There is a reason soup kitchens are like that - it works!!!
A big thanks to Cooking Catherine for yet another great idea which will be firmly embedded into the traditions for Christmas - Wassail. The husband, that would very rarely take a drink downed 4 cups! Which is possibly why the game of Trivial Pursuit was so close.
The 3 brothers (2 undergraduate degrees, 3 masters and a professional qualification) versus Maria & myself (1 undergraduate degree & nursing diploma and Banking exams) - All cheeses/wedges owned; if only we hadn't talked ourselves out of an answer, we would have won!
On Christmas eve we went Danish to honour brother in law Richard's heritage. This gave me the excuse to pinch an idea - thank you Angela - home made Danish Pastries. A few tweaks - we had maple pecan plaits instead of the apricot squares and I used a home made plum jam I had been given instead of the cherries. Yummy Plummy Pinwheels sounds so good!
Christmas Day started with Champagne and smoked salmon bagels - thanks to Richard & Maria - and the usual turkey dinner followed. Anne and I have this down to such a fine art now that (with the use of a spreadsheet to keep everything on track) Christmas Day is really enjoyable for everyone.
I think seeing so many of the family over this Christmas season has helped to make it feel more special this year.
Looks like you had a blast! Looking forward to catching up! Cx